Wireshark currently can't capture raw X.25 packets as there's no support for that in libpcap/WinPcap.
It can, however, dissect X.25 traffic captured by some other network analyzers and X.25 packets transported over XOT (RFC 1613).
X.25 was standardized by the CCITT and later by the ITU-T and is obsolete right now.
X.25 provides services to deliver data packets (layer 2 and 3 in the OSI model) over serial lines. (XXX - split into LAPB and X.25 Packet Layer Protocol?)
Anyone with more knowledge about X.25 might continue here ...
XXX - add a brief description of X.25 history
Protocol dependencies
- The X.25 Packet Layer Protocol is transported atop LAPB (Link Access Protocol-B), or atop XOT (X.25-over-TCP).
Example traffic
XXX - Add example traffic here (as plain text or Wireshark screenshot).
The X.25 dissector is fully functional.
Preference Settings
- If CALL REQUEST not seen or didn't specify protocol, dissect as QLLC/SNA. Default: FALSE
- If CALL REQUEST has no data, assume the protocol handled is COTP. Default: FALSE
- If CALL REQUEST not seen or didn't specify protocol, check user data before checking heuristic dissectors. Default: FALSE
- Reassemble fragmented X.25 packets. Default: TRUE
Example capture file
XXX - Add a simple example capture file. Keep it short, it's also a good idea to gzip it to make it even smaller, as Wireshark can open gzipped files automatically.
Display Filter
A complete list of X.25 display filter fields can be found in the display filter reference for X.25.
Show only the X.25-based traffic:
Capture Filter
As Wireshark doesn't support capturing X.25 traffic, there are no capture filters for it.
External links
X.25 Networking Guide Far
X.25 chapter from Cisco's Internetworking Technology Handbook
X.25 at Wikipedia.org
RFC 1613 X.25-over-TCP
Imported from https://wiki.wireshark.org/X.25 on 2020-08-11 23:27:45 UTC