A post-dissector example
Well let's say that we want to filter packets of sessions where there has been a long gap between packets.
-- max_gap.lua
-- create a gap.max field containing the maximum gap between two packets between two ip nodes
-- we create a "protocol" for our tree
local max_gap_p = Proto("gap","Gap in IP conversations")
-- we create our fields
local max_gap_field = ProtoField.float("gap.max")
-- we add our fields to the protocol
max_gap_p.fields = { max_gap_field }
-- then we register max_gap_p as a postdissector
local gaps = {} -- the maximum gap sofar between two nodes
local last = {} -- the last time a packet was seen between two nodes
-- a debug logging function (adds into dissector proto tree)
local enable_logging = false -- set this to true to enable it!!
local function initLog(tree, proto)
if not enable_logging then
-- if logging is disabled, we return a dummy function
return function() return end
local log_tree = tree:add(proto, nil, "Debug Log")
-- return a function that when called will add a new child with the given text
return function(str) log_tree:add(proto):set_text(str) end
-- let's do it!
function max_gap_p.dissector(tvb,pinfo,tree)
local addr_lo = pinfo.net_src
local addr_hi = pinfo.net_dst
if addr_lo > addr_hi then
addr_hi,addr_lo = addr_lo,addr_hi
local conv_key = tostring(addr_lo) .. " " .. tostring(addr_hi)
local this_gap = 0
local max_gap = 0
-- initialize logging, getting the logging function to use later
local log = initLog(tree,max_gap_p)
log("Key:".. conv_key)
log("Visited: " .. tostring(pinfo.visited))
if not pinfo.visited then
local now = pinfo.rel_ts
log("Now: "..now)
if last[conv_key] then
this_gap = now - last[conv_key]
log("A subsequent Packet, Gap: "..this_gap)
if gaps[conv_key] then
max_gap = gaps[conv_key]
log("Got Old Max Gap: " .. max_gap)
if max_gap < this_gap then
log("New Gap is Bigger")
gaps[conv_key] = this_gap
max_gap = this_gap
log("First Packet, no gap!")
last[conv_key] = now
max_gap = gaps[conv_key]
if max_gap then
An IPv6 post-dissector that fully expands all IPv6 addresses.
A post-dissector to allow filtering on Protocol and Info columns
filtcols - make Protocol and Info columns filterable by copying to Dissection Tree
Imported from https://wiki.wireshark.org/Lua/Examples/PostDissector on 2020-08-11 23:16:11 UTC