
Changes in v1.10

The following changes to Lua were made in Wireshark as of v1.10.6, relative to v1.8.12:

API Changes

item type description
typeof() global function gets a string of the class name of the given object
get_filter() global function gets the main filter text, from GUI only
wtap_filetypes global table a table of filetypes known to wireshark
Column:fence() class method sets the column text 'fence', preventing overwriting
TvbRange:uncompress() class method gets uncompressed TvbRange if Zlib is compiled in wireshark

Changes in v1.11

The following changes to Lua were made in Wireshark v1.11.3, relative to v1.10.6:

API Changes

New functions/methods

item type description
ByteArray:base64_decode() class method gets a base64 decoded ByteArray
ByteArray:raw() class method gets a Lua binary string of the ByteArray contents
ByteArray:tohex() class method gets a Lua hex-ascii string of the ByteArray contents class function creates a new ByteArray, now with ability to create from a raw Lua binary string
Column:clear_fence() class method clears any previously set column 'fence'
Dir.make() class function creates a directory
Dir.exists() class function checks if a directory exists
Dir.remove() class function removes an empty directory
Dir.remove_all() class function removes a non-empty directory
Dir.personal_config_path() class function gets the personal configuration directory path
Dir.global_config_path() class function gets the global configuration directory path
Dir.personal_plugins_path() class function gets the personal plugins directory path
Dir.global_plugins_path() class function gets the global plugins directory path
Dissector.list() class function gets a Lua array table of all registered Dissector names
DissectorTable.heuristic_list() class function gets a Lua array table of all heuristic list names
DissectorTable.list() class function gets a Lua array table of all DissectorTable names
DissectorTable:remove_all() class method removes all dissectors from a table
DissectorTable:set() class method remove existing dissectors from a table and add a new or a range of new dissectors
Field.list() class function gets a Lua array table of all registered field names
Listener.list() class function gets a Lua array table of all registered tappble names
Proto:register_heuristic() class method sets a heuristic dissector function
Proto.experts class attribute a table of ProtoExpert objects for the protocol
ProtoField.rel_oid() class function creates a ProtoField for an ASN relative OID
ProtoField.systemid() class function creates a ProtoField for a system ID
TreeItem:prepend_text() class method prepends text to the tree label
TreeItem:add_proto_expert_info() class method adds expert info to the packet
TreeItem:add_tvb_expert_info() class method adds expert info to the packet associated with the Tvb
Tvb:raw() class method gets a Lua string of the binary bytes in a Tvb
TvbRange:raw() class method gets a Lua string of the binary bytes in a TvbRange
TvbRange:strsize() class method gets the size of a zero terminated string from a TvbRange
file_exists() global function checks if the given filename already exists
register_filehandler() global function registers a FileHandler object into Wireshark
deregister_filehandler() global function de-registers a FileHandler object from Wireshark

New classes

item type description
CaptureInfo class Custom file format reading/writing: capture file data and meta-data
CaptureInfoConst class Custom file format reading/writing: capture file data and meta-data
File class Custom file format reading/writing: a class similar to the Lua io library's file object
FileHandler class Custom file format reading/writing: lets you create a file-format reader, or writer, or both
FrameInfo class Custom file format reading/writing: represents frame data and meta-data
FrameInfoConst class Custom file format reading/writing: represents frame data and meta-data
GRegex class a class for Glib/PCRE regular expressions
ProtoExpert class protocol expert info field, to be used when adding items to the dissection tree
Int64 class this class existed before, but with almost no methods; now it has lots
UInt64 class this class existed before, but with almost no methods; now it has lots
Struct class a set of class functions for binary Lua string handling

New global constants/variables

item type description
ENC_3GPP_TS_23_038_7BITS global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_1 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_10 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_11 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_13 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_14 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_15 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_16 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_2 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_3 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_4 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_5 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_6 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_7 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_8 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_ISO_8859_9 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_TIME_TOD global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_UCS_4 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
ENC_WINDOWS_1250 global constant a number for a specific encoding type
MENU_STAT_TELEPHONY_GSM global constant a number for a GUI menu
MENU_STAT_TELEPHONY_LTE global constant a number for a GUI menu
MENU_STAT_TELEPHONY_SCTP global constant a number for a GUI menu

Imported from on 2020-08-11 23:16:07 UTC