OID handling and SNMP dissector rewrite
The usability objective of this is to be able to filter on values of SNMP variables like: SNMPv2-MIB.sysUpTime == 274602
. The other reason behind this work is not to have a dependency on NET-SNMP which depends on the non-GPL compatible OpenSSL. We'll be using libsmi instead.
1️⃣ testing-
Indexes (both implied and not) -- Some RMON tables use them, capture files are welcome -
✅ Traps -
✅ fuzz testing -
✅ willfully malformed oids and stuff like that-
✅ review the PROTOS files in SampleCaptures
1️⃣ Fixing-
It should only warn, (not inhibit decoding) if expects a different integer type (like Integer32 [APPLICATION 2], Timeticks [APPLICATION 3], or Counter32 [APPLICATION 1] and gets an Integer instead [UNIVERSAL 2] (and vice versa). Same for an Opaque,Nsap, IpAddr vs Octetstring as far as the length allow decoding.
✅ Implement other types off indexing (AGREGATE, ...) these show the following error:The COLUMS's parent is not a ROW. This is a BUG! please contact the wireshark developers.
✅ Some OIds have a -2 hfid value, that means they are unregistered, do not use it.
1️⃣ Document (Always remember C is understood by compilers and programmers, people prefers english) !!!!- the changes (where?)
- and add the smi_* tables to the doocbook files
✅ new SNMP dissector shows convoluted tree (now it is a little less convoluted😃 ) -
❌ SNMP dissector shows a wrong Timestamp when the value is negative (I Won't get it fixed) -
3️⃣ SNMP Object Names not displayed in the info column (see bellow)
✅ regenerate the dissector with -T and -X -
✅ add trap oids to COL_INFO -
3️⃣ add oids to COL_INFO -
✅ get thesnmp.variable_oid
dissector table back to life. -
✅ manage columns as well as scalars -
✅ put complete information in the labels of the VarBind Items
2️⃣ the mapping of OID->attribute in COPS is still incomplete -
✅ we are missing the PIBs (like MIBs but for COPS) in the libsmi zipfile -
1️⃣ testing- fuzz testing
- willfully malformed oids and stuff like that
✅ There are oids being registered with long names like "itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) mobileDomain(0) gsm-Network(1) map-ac(0) networkLocUp(1) version3(3)" -
✅ get "the whole thing"tm into nsis-
✅ get the mibs into nsis -
✅ get the pibs into nsis
2️⃣ protect the code from re-loading MIBS for modules that were already loaded. A Hard one as it would need to "pre-parse" the modules before asking libsmi to load them. I think I'll Document the potential issues and their symptoms instead. -
✅ There are some OIDs that attempt to be registered with "funky" oid strings "dop.agreement." or "x411.extension-attribute.27" which are not resolvable (these are in #.REGISTER sections in asn2wrs) (x411 and dop are resolved -- StigBjørlykke) -
✅ Come up with a list of default MIBs and PIBs (there was a/*comment*/
in the snmp code (now gone with the surrounding code) saying that we should not, should we?) -
✅ add libsmi to autoconf-
✅ ./configure
does not take a location as argument, run like:env LDFLAGS='-lsmi -L/base/lib' CFLAGS=-I/base/include ./configure [options]
✅ remove net-snmp from autoconf
✅ add a menu item or preference setting for the smi_modules UAT-
2️⃣ add a link (button) for the tables in SNMP and COPS preference tabs
3️⃣ Some OIDs (not from explicitly included MIBs) are added more than once during protocol registration -
2️⃣ implement "ALL" modules, i.e. implement file-name globing and use it on libsmi's MIB/PIB path. -
✅ Some macros in oids.h are used to replace the obsoleted oid-related calls in oid_resolv.h to_str.h and format-oid.h, it would be nice to actually rewrite the invocations. -
✅ have other users of oid_resolv.h get to use the new functions in oids.h -
1️⃣ add the following MIBs and PIBs to the zipfile-
✅ PIBs included in libsmi
-- LuisOntanon
Imported from https://wiki.wireshark.org/Development/SNMP on 2020-08-11 23:13:06 UTC