Wiretap plugin
It is possible to write a wiretap plugin, ie a plugin that will enable wireshark to read a new file format. If you have modified the wiretap to add a new file format, and you want to compile that as a plugin, add the following part in your wiretap file:
#include "file_wrappers.h"
/* wtap stuff */
static int wf_myFileType = -1;
int encap_myFileType = -1;
/* Register with wtap */
void wtap_register_myFileType(void) {
static struct file_type_info fi =
{ "My File Type", "myFileType", "*.myfiletype", NULL, TRUE, NULL,NULL };
wtap_register_open_routine(myFileType_open,TRUE); // open routine in wiretap
encap_myFileType = wtap_register_encap_type("My File Type","myFileType");
wf_myFileType = wtap_register_file_type(&fi);
Then in the dissector file, the dissector should register to the wiretap file handle
void proto_reg_handoff_myDissector(void)
gboolean init = FALSE;
if (init == FALSE)
dissector_handle_t myDissector_handle;
myDissector_handle = find_dissector("myDissector");
dissector_add("wtap_encap", encap_myFileType, myDissector_handle);
init = TRUE;
A change must also be makde to your plugin's Makefile.am to allow the registration routines to be included in plugin.c. The plugin type must be changed from "plugin" to "plugin_wtap" as shown in the following example.
plugin.c: $(DISSECTOR_SRC) $(top_srcdir)/tools/make-dissector-reg \
@if test -n "$(PYTHON)"; then \
echo Making plugin.c with python ; \
$(PYTHON) $(top_srcdir)/tools/make-dissector-reg.py $(srcdir) \
plugin_wtap $(DISSECTOR_SRC) ; \
else \
echo Making plugin.c with shell script ; \
$(top_srcdir)/tools/make-dissector-reg $(srcdir) \
$(plugin_src) plugin_wtap $(DISSECTOR_SRC) ; \
This change creates an additional stanza in plugin.c:
{extern void wtap_register_myFileType (void); wtap_register_myFileType ();}
Imported from https://wiki.wireshark.org/wiretap%20plugin on 2020-08-11 23:27:36 UTC