-- Wireshark extension to dump MPEG2 transport stream packets -- -- To use this script: -- 1. Save it in the Wireshark home directory e.g. c:\Program Files\Wireshark -- 2. Edit init.lua in the Wireshark home directory and add the following line -- dofile("mpeg_packets_dump.lua") -- 3. Restart Wireshark to add the extension -- 4. Capture some traffic which includes some MPEG transport packets, for -- example, it has been tested with MPEG transmitted via UDP multicast. -- 5. Stop the capture, and select Tools -> Dump MPEG TS Packets -- 6. Enter the file where the mpeg stream should be saved. -- 7. In order to select only one of many streams, enter a wireshark filter -- expression, or you can leave the filter blank. -- 8. Press okay. Any MPEG packets in the current capture which were detected -- by the MPEG dissector and that match your filter will be dumped to -- your output file. -- -- Tested with Wireshark 1.4.3 -- ryan.gorsuch_at_echostar_com -- 2011-04-01 -- Modified and tested with Wireshark 1.11.3 -- hadrielk_at_yahoo_com -- 2014-02-17 -- only works in wireshark, not tshark if not GUI_ENABLED then print("mpeg_packets_dump.lua only works in Wireshark") return end -- declare some field extractors local mpeg_pid = Field.new("mp2t.pid") local mpeg_pkt = Field.new("mp2t") -- declare some functions we define later local tobinary -- do a payload dump when prompted by the user local function init_payload_dump(file,filter) local packet_count = 0 local tap = Listener.new(nil,filter) local myfile = assert(io.open(file, "w+b")) -- this function is going to be called once each time our filter matches function tap.packet(pinfo,tvb) if ( mpeg_pid() ) then packet_count = packet_count + 1 -- there can be multiple mp2t packets in a given frame, so get them all into a table local contents = { mpeg_pkt() } for i,finfo in ipairs(contents) do local tvbrange = finfo.range myfile:write( tobinary( tostring( tvbrange:bytes() ) ) ) myfile:flush() end end end -- re-inspect all the packets that are in the current capture, thereby -- triggering the above tap.packet function retap_packets() -- cleanup myfile:close() tap:remove() debug("Dumped mpeg packets: " .. packet_count ) end -- show this dialog when the user select "Dump" from the Tools menu local function begin_dialog_menu() new_dialog("Dump MPEG TS Packets",init_payload_dump,"Output file","Packet filter (optional)\n\nExamples:\nip.dst ==\nmp2t\nmp2t.pid == 0x300") end register_menu("Dump MPEG TS Packets",begin_dialog_menu,MENU_TOOLS_UNSORTED) local function hex(ascii_code) -- convert an ascii char code to an integer value "0" => 0, "1" => 1, etc if not ascii_code then return 0 elseif ascii_code < 58 then return ascii_code - 48 elseif ascii_code < 91 then return ascii_code - 65 + 10 else return ascii_code - 97 + 10 end end tobinary = function (hexbytes) -- this function converts a hex-string to raw bytes local binary = {} local sz = 1 for i=1, string.len(hexbytes), 2 do binary[sz] = string.char( 16 * hex( string.byte(hexbytes,i) ) + hex( string.byte(hexbytes,i+1) ) ) sz = sz + 1 end return table.concat(binary) end