-- ** TCP Statistics ** -- Description: Usual TCP performance issues (low TCP window, high TCP delta times, long iRTT, etc.) -- Author: Silvio Gissi -- -- Invoke via tshark: tshark -o tcp.calculate_timestamps:TRUE -q -n -X lua_script:tcp_stats.lua -r captured_file.pcapng -- Optionally add filter by adding -X lua_script1:'ip.src==', any display filter is acceptable as long as it doesn't filter out parts of the TCP stream -- Arguments, first one is used for filtering args = {...} tcp_stats={} -- src, dst: Source and destination -- src_port, dst_port: Source and destination -- high_delta: Highest TCP time delta (RST/FIN packets discarded) -- high_delta_frame: Frame number of time above -- low_window: Lowest value of the TCP window -- low_window_frame: Frame number of low window above -- hs_src_mss / hs_dst_mss: TCP handshake MSS from both sides -- hs_src_sack / hs_dst_sack: TCP handshake SACK support from both sides -- hs_src_ws / hs_dst_ws: TCP handshake Window Scaling factor from both sides -- hs_irtt: TCP initial handshake RTT -- Check if a filter was given filter="tcp" if args[1] then filter="("..filter..") && ("..args[1]..")" end tap_tcp = Listener.new(nil,filter) tcp_stream=Field.new("tcp.stream") tcp_ws=Field.new("tcp.window_size") tcp_f_syn=Field.new("tcp.flags.syn") tcp_f_ack=Field.new("tcp.flags.ack") tcp_f_rst=Field.new("tcp.flags.reset") tcp_f_fin=Field.new("tcp.flags.fin") tcp_irtt=Field.new("tcp.analysis.initial_rtt") tcp_hs_mss=Field.new("tcp.options.mss_val") tcp_hs_ws=Field.new("tcp.options.wscale.multiplier") tcp_hs_sack=Field.new("tcp.options.sack_perm") tcp_delta=Field.new("tcp.time_delta") function tap_tcp.packet(pinfo) -- TCP stream numbers stream=tcp_stream().value -- TCP SYN, RST and FIN flags syn=tcp_f_syn().value rst=tcp_f_rst().value fin=tcp_f_fin().value -- Frame number fnum=pinfo.number -- New stream, first packet must be SYN if not tcp_stats[stream] then -- Not pure SYN, ignore. Likely existing connection prior to capture start if (not tcp_f_syn().value) or tcp_f_ack().value then return end -- Initialize tcp_stats table tcp_stats[stream]={} end -- SYN packet, store handshake if syn then mss = tcp_hs_mss().value -- Check if Window Scaling factor is present ws = tcp_hs_ws() if ws then ws=tostring(ws) else ws="not supported" end -- Check if SACK option is present and true sack = tcp_hs_sack() if sack and sack.value then sack="Yes" else sack="No" end -- First packet, source handshake if not tcp_f_ack().value then tcp_stats[stream]["hs_src_mss"]=mss tcp_stats[stream]["hs_src_ws"]=ws tcp_stats[stream]["hs_src_sack"]=sack tcp_stats[stream]["src"]=tostring(pinfo.src) tcp_stats[stream]["src_port"]=pinfo.src_port tcp_stats[stream]["dst"]=tostring(pinfo.dst) tcp_stats[stream]["dst_port"]=pinfo.dst_port else tcp_stats[stream]["hs_dst_mss"]=tcp_hs_mss().value tcp_stats[stream]["hs_dst_ws"]=ws tcp_stats[stream]["hs_dst_sack"]=sack end end -- **** Initial Round Trip Time (iRTT) -- Check if not stored yet and if iRTT is calculated already (aro3rd packet) irtt=tcp_irtt() if not tcp_stats[stream]["hs_irtt"] and irtt then tcp_stats[stream]["hs_irtt"]=tonumber(tostring(irtt)) end -- **** Highest TCP time delta (time between TCP packets in the same stream) delta = tcp_delta() if delta then delta=tonumber(tostring(delta)) end -- Check if delta exists and is higher than current (if any) if delta and (not tcp_stats[stream]["high_delta"] or delta > tcp_stats[stream]["high_delta"]) then -- Ignore high deltas on RST or FIN packets if not rst and not fin then tcp_stats[stream]["high_delta"]=delta tcp_stats[stream]["high_delta_frame"]=fnum end end -- **** Lowest calculated window size ws = tcp_ws() -- Check if WS field is present and get value if ws then ws=ws.value end if ws and (not tcp_stats[stream]["low_ws"] or ws < tcp_stats[stream]["low_ws"]) then -- Ignore low window on RST or FIN packets if not rst and not fin then tcp_stats[stream]["low_ws"]=ws tcp_stats[stream]["low_ws_frame"]=fnum end end end -- Called at the end of TShark capture but frequently by Wireshark function tap_tcp.draw() print "TCP Stats" for stream,st in pairs(tcp_stats) do print("Stream " .. stream .. " Src "..st["src"]..":"..st["src_port"].." (MSS " .. st["hs_src_mss"] .. " WS "..st["hs_src_ws"].." SACK "..st["hs_src_sack"]..") -> Dst "..st["dst"]..":"..st["dst_port"].." (MSS " .. st["hs_dst_mss"].." WS "..st["hs_dst_ws"].." SACK "..st["hs_dst_sack"]..") iRTT "..string.format("%.0f",st["hs_irtt"]*1000).."ms Highest Delta "..st["high_delta"].."("..st["high_delta_frame"]..") Lowest Window Size "..st["low_ws"].."("..st["low_ws_frame"]..")") end end function tap_tcp.reset() print "Resetting counters" tcp_conn_stats={} tcp_stats={} end