citp_proto = Proto("citp","CITP") -- revision 12-01-24 -- UDP and TCP Dissector Tables udp_table = DissectorTable.get("udp.port") tcp_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port") -- Globals listeningport = 0 start = 0 count = 0 found_ports = {} win = nil ct = { -- CITP MSEX = "Media Server Extensions", PINF = "Peer Information layer", PNam = "Peer Name message", PLoc = "Peer Location message", -- MSEX CInf = "Client Information Message", SInf = "Server Information Message", Nack = "Negative Acknowledge Message", LSta = "Layer Status Message", StFr = "Stream Frame message", RqSt = "Request Stream message", GEIn = "Get Element Information message", MEIn = "Media Element Information message", GETh = "Get Element Thumbnail message", EThn = "Element Thumbnail message", ELIn = "Element Library Information message", GELI = "Get Element Library Information message", GELT = "Get Element Library Thumbnail message", GVSr = "GetVideoSources", VSrc = "Video Sources" } function citp_proto.dissector(buffer,pinfo,tree) listeningport = 0 start = 0 -- Check for buffer lengths less the CITP Header (20 Bytes) if buffer:len() < 20 then -- We don't have enough to figure out message length pinfo.desegment_len = 20 - buffer:len() -- get more data. return end count = 4 cookie = buffer (start,count):string() pinfo.cols.protocol = cookie subtree = tree:add(citp_proto,buffer(), string.format("Controller Interface Transport Protocol, Length: %d Header: 22",buffer:len())) start = start + count count = 1 citp_version = string.format("%d.%d",buffer (start,count):le_uint(),buffer (start+1,count):le_uint()) subtree:add(buffer(start,count+1), "Version: " .. citp_version) subtree:add(buffer(6,2), "Request/Response ID: " .. buffer(6,2):le_uint()) message_size = buffer(8,4):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(8,4), "Message Size: " .. message_size) subtree:add(buffer(12,2), "Message Part Count: " .. buffer(12,2):le_uint()) subtree:add(buffer(14,2), "Message Part: " .. buffer(14,2):le_uint()) str = ct[buffer(16,4):string()] or "(Unknown)" subtree = subtree:add(buffer(16,4), string.format("Content Type: %s - %s, Length: %d",buffer(16,4):string(), str, string.len(buffer(20):string()))) = string.format("CITP %s >",citp_version) -- info -- Calculate message size and reassemble PDUs if needed. if message_size > buffer:len() then pinfo.desegment_len = message_size - buffer:len() return end -- PINF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Peer Information layer if buffer(16,4):string() == "PINF" then ("PINF >") -- info str = ct[buffer(20,4):string()] or "(Unknown)" subtree:add(buffer(20,4), "Content Type: " .. buffer(20,4):string() .. " - " ..str) -- PNam if buffer(20,4):string() == "PNam" then start = 26 count = string.find(buffer(start):string(),"\0",1) subtree:add(buffer(start, count),"State: ".. buffer(start):string()) end --PLoc if buffer(20,4):string() == "PLoc" then listeningport = buffer(24,2):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(24,2), "Listening Port: " .. (listeningport)) -- If we listening port is non zero then add to the dissector if listeningport then CITP_add_port(listeningport) end listeningport = 0 start = 26 count = string.find(buffer(start):string(),"\0",1) subtree:add(buffer(start, count),"Type: ".. buffer(start):string()) start = start+count count = string.find(buffer(start):string(),"\0",1) name = buffer(start):string() subtree:add(buffer(start, count),"Name: ".. name) start = start+count count = string.find(buffer(start):string(),"\0",1) subtree:add(buffer(start, count),"State: ".. buffer(start):string()) end (name) -- info end -- MSEX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if buffer (16,4):string() == "MSEX" then local str = "" str = ct[buffer(22,4):string()] or "(Unknown)" subtree:add(buffer(20), string.format("Length: %s",buffer:len()-20)) version = buffer (20,1):uint() .. "." .. buffer(21,1):uint() subtree:add(buffer(20,2), "Version: " .. version) subtree:add(buffer(22,4), "Content Type: " .. buffer(22,4):string().." - "..str) ("MSEX ".. version .." >") -- info -- MSEX/CInf -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Client Information message if buffer(22,4):string() == "CInf" then ("CInf >") -- info subtree:add(buffer(26,1), "Supported Version Count: ".. buffer(26,1):uint()) subtree:add(buffer(27,2), "Supports -NYI-: ".. buffer(27,1)) end -- MSEX/SInf 1.2 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- Server Information message if (buffer(22,4):string() == "SInf") and (version <= "1.2") then ("SInf"..version.." >") -- info subtree:add("Version - NYI -") end -- MSEX/SInf 1.0 or 1.1 --------------------------------------------------------- -- Server Information message if (buffer(22,4):string() == "SInf") and (version <= "1.1") then ("SInf >") -- info start = 26 -- Product Name (ASCII) count = 0 str="" while buffer(start+count,1):uint() ~= 0 do str = str .. buffer(start+count,1):string() count = count + 2 end count = count + 2 subtree:add(buffer(start, count),"Product Name (ASCII): ".. str) start = start + count count = 2 subtree:add(buffer(start,count), "Version: " .. buffer (start,1):uint() .. "." .. buffer(start+1,1):uint()) start = start + count count = 1 layercount = buffer(start, count):uint() dmx = subtree:add(buffer(start,count), "Number of Layers: " .. layercount) start = start + count for i = 1, layercount do count = string.find(buffer(start):string(),"\0",1) dmx:add(buffer(start, count), "Layer ".. i .." DMX (proto/net/uni/chan.): " .. buffer(start):string()) start = start + count end (string.format("Server: %s Layers: %d", str, layercount)) end -- MSEX/Nack ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Negative Acknowledge message if buffer(22,4):string() == "Nack" then ("Nack >") -- info subtree:add(buffer(22),"Received Content: " .. buffer(22):string()) end -- MSEX/StFr ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Stream Frame message if buffer(22,4):string() == "StFr" then ("StFr >") -- info start = 26 -- Source ID count = 2 sourceIdentifier = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"SourceIdentifier: " .. sourceIdentifier) start = start + count -- Thumbs Format count = 4 frameFormat = buffer(start,count):string() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"FrameFormat: " .. frameFormat) start = start + count -- Dimentions dims, count = MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Dimensions: %s", dims)) start = start + count -- Buffer Size count = 2 subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"BufferSize: " .. buffer(start,count):uint()) bufferSize = buffer(start,count):le_uint() start = start + count (string.format("SOURCE:%d %s %s", sourceIdentifier, frameFormat, dims )) end -- MSEX/RqSt ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Request Stream message if buffer(22,4):string() == "RqSt" then ("RqSt >") -- info start = 26 -- Source ID count = 2 local sourceIdentifier = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"SourceIdentifier: " .. sourceIdentifier) start = start + count -- Frame Format count = 4 local frameFormat = buffer(start,count):string() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"FrameFormat: " .. frameFormat) start = start + count -- Dimentions dims, count = MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Dimensions: %s", dims)) start = start + count -- FPS count = 1 local fps = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"FPS: " .. fps) start = start + count -- Timeout count = 1 local timeout = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"Timeout: " .. timeout) start = start + count --info (string.format("SOURCE:%d %s %s@%d %dSec", sourceIdentifier, frameFormat, dims, fps, timeout)) end -- MSEX 1.0 - 1.2/EThn ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Element Thumbnail message if (buffer(22,4):string() == "EThn") and (version <= "1.1") then start = 26 -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count if version == "1.0" then count = 1 libraryNumber = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"LibraryNumber: " .. libraryNumber) start = start + count elseif version <= "1.2" then -- There is no definition for 1.2 -- LibraryID libraryNumber, count = MSEX_LibraryID(buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("LibraryId: %s", libraryNumber)) start = start + count end -- Element count = 1 element = buffer(start,count):uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Element: %d", element)) start = start + count -- Thumbnail Format count = 4 subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Thumbnail Format: %s", buffer(start,count):string())) start = start + count -- Dimentions dims, count = MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Dimensions: %s", dims)) start = start + count --Thumb Buffer count = 2 subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Thumbs Buffer: %d", buffer(start,count):le_uint())) start = start + count -- Remainder of packet is frame data, or part of frame data subtree:add(buffer(start),"Data") --info (string.format("ETHn LibraryID:%s Element:%d", libraryNumber, element ) ) end -- end EThn 1.0 - 1.2 -- MSEX 1.0/ELIn ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Element Library Information message if (buffer(22,4):string() == "ELIn") and (version == "1.0") then subtree:add("-NYI-") end -- MSEX 1.1/ELIn ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Element Library Information message if (buffer(22,4):string() == "ELIn") and (version == "1.1") then ("ELIn >") -- info start = 26 -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count -- Element Count count = 1 element_count = buffer(start,count):uint() element_tree = subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Element Count: %d", element_count)) start = start + count for i = 1, element_count do -- LibraryID str, count = MSEX_LibraryID(buffer, start) lib_tree = element_tree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("LibraryId: %s", str)) start = start + count -- DMX Min count = 1 lib_tree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("DMX Min: %s", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count -- DMX Max count = 1 lib_tree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("DMX Max: %s", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count count = 0 str="" while buffer(start + count,1):uint() ~= 0 do str = str .. buffer(start+count,1):string() count = count + 2 end count = count + 2 lib_tree:add(buffer(start, count), string.format("Name: %s", str)) start = start + count count = 1 lib_tree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Sub Libraries %d", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count count = 1 lib_tree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Element Count: %d", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count end (string.format("Elements: %d",element_count)) end -- MSEX 1.2/ELIn ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Element Library Information message if (buffer(22,4):string() == "ELIn") and (version == "1.2") then end -- MSEX/LSta ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Layer Status message if buffer(22,4):string() == "LSta" then ("LSta >") -- info start = 26 count = 1 layercount = buffer(start,count):uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count), "Layer Count: " .. layercount) LSta = {} LSta_status = {} for i = 1, layercount do start = start + count count = 1 LSta[i] = subtree:add(buffer(start,count), "Layer Number:" .. buffer(start,count):uint() .." (".. buffer(start+2,1):uint().."/"..buffer(start+3,1):uint()..")") start = start + count count = 1 LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Physical Output: " .. buffer(start,count):uint()) start = start + count count = 1 LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Media Library: " .. buffer(start,count):uint()) start = start + count count = 1 LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Media Number: " .. buffer(start,count):uint()) start = start + count count = 0 str="" while buffer(start+count,1):uint() ~= 0 do str = str .. buffer(start+count,1):string() count = count + 2 end count = count + 2 LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Media Name: " .. str) start = start + count count = 4 length = buffer(start,count):le_uint() LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Media Position: " .. length) start = start + count count = 4 length = buffer(start,count):le_uint() LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Media Length: " .. length) start = start + count count = 1 LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Media FPS: " .. buffer(start,count):uint()) start = start + count count = 4 str = "" current_stat = buffer(start+3,1) .. buffer(start+2,1).. buffer(start+1,1).. buffer(start,1) if,00000001) > 0 then str = str .. "MediaPlaying, " end if,00000002) > 0 then -- 1.2 Only str = str .. "MediaPlaybackReverse, " end if,00000004) > 0 then -- 1.2 Only str = str .. "MediaPlaybackLooping, " end if,00000008) > 0 then -- 1.2 Only str = str .. "MediaPlaybackBouncing, " end if,00000010) > 0 then -- 1.2 Only str = str .. "MediaPlaybackRandom, " end if,00000020) > 0 then -- 1.2 Only str = str .. "MediaPaused, " end if current_stat == "00000000" then str = "None, " end str = string.sub(str,1,-3) LSta[i]:add(buffer(start,count), "Layer Status: ".."("..current_stat..") "..str) end -- end for : Layer Count --info (string.format("LAYER COUNT:%d",layercount)) end -- end if : MSEX/LSta -- MSEX/MEIn1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Media Element Information message 1.0 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "MEIn") and (version == "1.0") then -- info (string.format("MEIn >")) ("-NYI-") end -- end if: MSEX/MEIn -- MSEX/MEIn1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Media Element Information message 1.1 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "MEIn") and (version == "1.1") then start = 26 -- LibraryID libraryID, count = MSEX_LibraryID(buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("LibraryId: %s", str)) start = start + count count = 1 element_count = buffer(start,count):uint() MEIn = subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Element Count: %d", element_count)) start = start + count MEIn = {} for i = 1, element_count do count = 1 MEIn[i] = subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Number: %d", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count count = 1 MEIn[i]:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("DMX Start: %d", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count count = 1 MEIn[i]:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("DMX End: %d", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count count = 0 str="" while buffer(start + count,1):uint() ~= 0 do --THIS IS BROKEN!?!?! str = str .. buffer(start+count,1):string() count = count + 2 end count = count +2 MEIn[i]:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Name: %s", str)) start = start + count --debug -- This is a hack because le_uint64() returns the bigendian result count = 8 epoch = 0 mult = 1 for j=0, count - 1 do epoch = epoch + (buffer(start+j, 1):uint() * mult) --debug --MEIn[i]:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("%02d: %sx%d=%s", j, buffer(start+j, 1):uint(), mult, buffer(start+j, 1):uint()*mult)) mult = mult * 256 end -- The time OSX displays and the epoch caluclation is off by a number of minues. -- epoch and seem to jive, but OSX time is wrong? MEIn[i]:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Time: %s (epoch:%d)","%c", epoch), epoch)) start = start + count -- Dimentions dims, count = MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Dimensions: %s", dims)) start = start + count count = 4 MEIn[i]:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Length (Frames): %d", buffer(start,count):le_uint())) start = start + count count = 1 MEIn[i]:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("FPS: %d", buffer(start,count):uint())) start = start + count end -- info (string.format("MEIn LibraryID: %s Elements: %d",libraryID ,element_count)) end -- end if: MSEX/MEIn -- MSEX/GEIn1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get Element Information message 1.0 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "GEIn") and (version == "1.0") then start = 26 -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count count = 1 local libraryNumber = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"LibraryNumber: " .. libraryNumber) start = start + count count = 1 local elementCount = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"Element Count: " .. elementCount) start = start + count count = 1 local elementNumbers = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"Element Numbers: " .. elementNumbers) start = start + count -- info (string.format("GEIn >")) end -- end if: MSEX/MEIn -- MSEX/GEIn1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get Element Information message 1.1 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "GEIn") and (version == "1.1") then start = 26 -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count -- LibraryID str, count = MSEX_LibraryID(buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("LibraryId: %s", str)) start = start + count count = 1 elementCount = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"ElementCount: " .. elementCount) start = start + count if (elementCount > 0) then count = 1 for i = 1, elementCount do elements:add(buffer(start,count),"Element Number: %d" .. buffer(start,count):le_uint()) start = start + count end end -- info (string.format("GEIn LibraryID: %s Count: %d", str, elementCount)) end -- end if: MSEX/GEIn1.1 -- MSEX/GELI1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get Element Library Information message 1.0 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "GELI") and (version == "1.0") then start = 26 -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count count = 1 libraryCount = buffer(start,count):uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Count: %d", libraryCount)) start = start + count if (libraryCount > 0) then count = 1 for i = 1, libraryCount do elements:add(buffer(start,count),"Element Number: %d" .. buffer(start,count):le_uint()) start = start + count end end -- info (string.format("GELI LibraryID: %s Count:%d", libraryId, libraryCount)) end -- end if: MSEX/GELI1.0 -- MSEX/GELI1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get Element Library Information message 1.1 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "GELI") and (version == "1.1") then start = 26 -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count -- LibraryID str, count = MSEX_LibraryID(buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("LibraryId: %s", str)) start = start + count count = 1 libraryCount = buffer(start,count):uint() if libraryCount == 0 then txt = "All" else txt = "" end elements = subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Count: (%d) %s", libraryCount, txt)) start = start + count if (libraryCount > 0) then count = 1 for i = 1, libraryCount do elements:add(buffer(start,count),"Library Number: " .. buffer(start,count):le_uint()) start = start + count end end -- info (string.format("GELI LibraryID: %s Count: %s (%d)", str, txt, libraryCount)) end -- end if: MSEX/GELI1.1 -- MSEX/GELT 1.0 & 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get Element Library Thumbnail message 1.0 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "GELT") and ((version == "1.0") or (version == "1.1")) then start = 26 -- Thumbnail Format count = 4 thumbnailFormat = buffer(start,count):string() subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Thumbnail Format: %s", thumbnailFormat)) start = start + count -- Dimentions dims, count = MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Dimensions: %s", dims)) start = start + count -- Thumbnail Flags count = 1 str = "" current_stat = buffer(start,count):uint() if,00000001) > 0 then str = str .. "Preserve aspect ratio, " end if current_stat == "00000000" then str = "None, " end str = string.sub(str,1,-3) -- strip off the final ", " subtree:add(buffer(start,count), "Thumbnail Flags: ".."("..current_stat..") "..str) -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count -- LibraryCount count = 1 LibraryCount = buffer(start, count):uint() elements = subtree:add(buffer(start, count), string.format("Library Count: %d", LibraryCount)) start = start + count if (LibraryCount > 0) then if (version == "1.0") then -- Library Numbers count = 1 for i = 1, LibraryCount do elements:add(buffer(start,count),"Library Numbers: %d" .. buffer(start,count):le_uint()) start = start + count end else -- LibraryID count = 1 for i = 1, LibraryCount do str, count = MSEX_LibraryID (buffer, start) elements:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library ID: %s", str)) start = start + count end end end -- info (string.format("GELT %s %s Count: %d", thumbnailFormat, dims, LibraryCount) ) end -- end if: MSEX/GELT1.0 / 1.1 -- MSEX/GETh 1.0 & 1.1 ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get Element Get Element Thumbnail message 1.0 & 1.1 if (buffer(22,4):string() == "GETh") and ((version == "1.0") or (version == "1.1")) then start = 26 -- Thumbnail Format count = 4 thumbnailFormat = buffer(start,count):string() subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Thumbnail Format: %s", thumbnailFormat)) start = start + count -- Width x Height dims, count = MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Dimensions: %s", dims)) start = start + count -- Thumbnail Flags count = 1 str = "" current_stat = buffer(start,count):uint() if,00000001) > 0 then str = str .. "Preserve aspect ratio, " end if current_stat == "00000000" then str = "None, " end str = string.sub(str,1,-3) -- strip off the final ", " subtree:add(buffer(start,count), "Thumbnail Flags: ".."("..current_stat..") "..str) start = start +1 -- Library Type str, count = MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library Type: %s",str)) start = start + count if version == "1.0" then -- Library Numbers count = 1 subtree:add(buffer(start,count),"Library Numbers: %d" .. buffer(start,count):le_uint()) start = start + count -- TODO elseif version == "1.1" then -- LibraryID LibraryID, count = MSEX_LibraryID (buffer, start) subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Library ID: %s", LibraryID)) start = start + count -- Element Count count = 1 element_count = buffer(start,count):le_uint() element_tree = subtree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Element Count: %d", element_count)) start = start + count -- Element Numbers for i = 1, element_count do -- LibraryID element = buffer(start,count):uint() element_tree:add(buffer(start,count),string.format("Element Number: %s", element)) start = start + count end -- info (string.format("GETh %s %s LibraryID: %s Count: %d", thumbnailFormat, dims, LibraryID, element_count) ) end end -- end if: MSEX/GEThT1.0 & 1.1 -- MSEX/GVSr ------------------------------------------------------------- -- GetVideoSources if (buffer(22,4):string() == "GVSr")then (string.format("GVSr")) end -- end if: MSEX/GVSr -- MSEX/VSrc ------------------------------------------------------------- -- Video Sources if (buffer(22,4):string() == "VSrc")then start = 26 -- Source Count count = 2 sourceCount = buffer(start,count):le_uint() subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Source Count: %d", sourceCount)) start = start + count -- Source Info source = {} for i = 1, sourceCount do -- SourceID count = 2 sourceID = buffer(start,count):le_uint() source[i] = subtree:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("SourceID: %d", sourceID)) start = start + count -- Source Name str, count = ucs2ascii(start, buffer) -- convert the usc2 to faux ASCII source[i]:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Name: %s", str)) start = start + count -- Physical Output count = 1 if buffer(start,count):le_uint() < 255 then str = buffer(start,count):le_uint() else str = "(NONE)" end source[i]:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Physical Out: %s",str)) start = start + count -- Layer Number count = 1 if buffer(start,count):le_uint() < 255 then str = buffer(start,count):le_uint() else str = "(NONE)" end source[i]:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Layer Number: %s",str)) start = start + count -- Flags count = 2 str = "" current_stat = buffer(start,count):le_uint() if,00000001) > 0 then str = str .. "Without effects, " end if current_stat == 0 then str = "None, " end str = string.sub(str,1,-3) -- strip off the final ", " source[i]:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Flags: %s",str)) start = start + count -- Width x Height dim, count = MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) source[i]:add(buffer(start,count), string.format("Dimensions: %s",dim)) start = start + count end (string.format("VSrc")) end -- end if: MSEX/VSrc end -- end if : MSEX end -- end function citp_proto.dissector -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Formatters -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- u2 to ascii function ucs2ascii(start, buffer) count = 0 str="" while buffer(start+count,1):uint() ~= 0 do str = str .. buffer(start+count,1):string() count = count + 2 end count = count + 2 return str, count end -- MSEX_LibraryID formatter function MSEX_LibraryID (buffer, start) str = string.format("%d,%d,%d,%d", buffer(start,1):uint(), buffer(start+1,1):uint(), buffer(start+2,1):uint(), buffer(start+3,1):uint() ) return str, 4 --string, count end -- MSEX_Dims formatter function MSEX_Dims (buffer, start) -- Width count = 2 width = buffer(start,count):le_uint() -- Height height = buffer(start+2,count):le_uint() -- Width x Height count = 4 str = string.format("%dx%d", width, height) start = start + count return str, 4 --string, count end -- MSEX_LibraryType formatter function MSEX_LibraryType (buffer, start) libraryType = buffer(start,1):le_uint() if (libraryType == 1) then libraryType_name = "Media" elseif (libraryType == 2) then libraryType_name = "Effects" end str = string.format("(%d) %s",libraryType,libraryType_name) return str, 1 -- string, count end -- Add TCP Port -- port is based in PINF listen port function CITP_add_port (port) if port > 0 then if not found_ports [port] then found_ports [port] = true tcp_table:add (port,citp_proto) win_log = string.format("Added CITP Port: %d\n", port) if win == nil then win ="CITP Log") end win:append(win_log) win_log = "" end end end -- always using UDP 4809 udp_table:add(4809,citp_proto) --Debug, Add Mbox --CITP_add_port(6436) -- PRG Mbox --CITP_add_port(4011) -- Arkaos Media Master