--[[ Subnet Calculator Tool Copyright (C) 2023 Christopher Maynard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. --]] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ Subnet Calculator, inspired from these and other resources: -> The old PMG Toolkit: https://web.archive.org/web/20040404085425/http:/pmg.com:80/ref_home.htm#toolkit -> The ipcalc Tool: https://linux.die.net/man/1/ipcalc https://github.com/kjokjo/ipcalc/blob/master/ipcalc --]] local subnetcalc_info = { version = "1.1", author = "Christopher Maynard", description = "Subnet Calculator.", } set_plugin_info(subnetcalc_info) if not gui_enabled() then return end local data = { mask = {255, 255, 255, 0}, host = {192, 0, 2, 1} } ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function is_valid_netmaskvalue(value) local tmp = bit32.bnot(value) if bit32.band(bit32.band(tmp, tmp + 1), 0xffffffff) == 0 then return true else return false end end -- is_valid_netmaskvalue() ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function subnetcalc_window() -- Declare the window we will use local win = TextWindow.new("Subnet Calculator") ------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function usage(inputstr) local usage_and_examples = "Usage: \n" .. "\t1) Address\n" .. "\t2) Address/Maskbits\n" .. "\t3) Address/Netmask\n\n" .. --"Notes:\n" .. "\t-> Address must be a valid IP address in dotted-decimal notation.\n" .. "\t-> Maskbits must be an integer between 0 and 32 (inclusive).\n" .. "\t-> Netmask must be a valid netmask in dotted-decimal notation.\n" .. "\n" .. "Examples:\n\n" .. "\t1)\n" .. "\t2)\n" .. "\t3)" if inputstr then return "Invalid input: " .. inputstr .. "\n\n" .. usage_and_examples else return usage_and_examples end end -- usage() ------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function display_results(win) local function format_octets(name, t, bits_of_mask) local bom = bits_of_mask local val = 16777216 * t[1] + 65536 * t[2] + 256 * t[3] + t[4] local text local i, j text = string.format("%s%3d.%3d.%3d.%3d ", name, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]) for i = 1, 4, 1 do local mask = 0x80 for j = 1, 8, 1 do text = text .. (bit32.btest(t[i], mask) and 1 or 0) if j == 8 and i ~= 4 then text = text .. "." end bom = bom - 1 if bom == 0 then text = text .. " " end mask = bit32.rshift(mask, 1) end end if bits_of_mask == 0 then text = text .. " " end return text .. string.format(" %10u %08X\n", val, val) end -- format_octets() --------------------------------------------------------------------- local function format_address_bitmap(bits_of_mask, subnet_bits, class) local text = "" local start = 1 local netchar = "n" if class == "A" then if bits_of_mask < 8 then netchar = "N" else text = "0" start = 2 end elseif class == "B" then if bits_of_mask < 16 then netchar = "N" else text = "10" start = 3 end elseif class == "C" then if bits_of_mask < 24 then netchar = "N" else text = "110" start = 4 end end for i = start, bits_of_mask - subnet_bits, 1 do text = text .. netchar if i % 8 == 0 and i ~=32 then text = text .. "." end end for i = bits_of_mask - subnet_bits + 1, bits_of_mask, 1 do text = text .. "s" if i % 8 == 0 and i ~=32 then text = text .. "." end end if bits_of_mask > 0 then text = text .. " " end for i = bits_of_mask + 1, 32, 1 do text = text .. "h" if i % 8 == 0 and i ~=32 then text = text .. "." end end return text .. "\n" end -- format_address_bitmap() --------------------------------------------------------------------- local function compute_class_and_scope(h, bom) local class local scope = "" local host = 16777216 * h[1] + 65536 * h[2] + 256 * h[3] + h[4] if not bit32.btest(h[1], 0x80) then class = "A" if h[1] == 0 and bom >= 8 then scope = ", This host on this network (RFCs 6890, 1122)" elseif h[1] == 10 and bom >= 8 then scope = ", Private-Use Network (RFCs 6890, 1918)" elseif (h[1] == 100 and bit32.band(h[2], 0xc0) == 64) and (bom >= 10) then scope = ", Shared Address Space (RFCs 6890, 6598)" elseif h[1] == 127 and bom >= 8 then scope = ", Loopback (RFCs 6890, 1122)" end elseif not bit32.btest(h[1], 0x40) then class = "B" if (h[1] == 169 and h[2] == 254) and (bom >= 8) then scope = ", Link local/APIPA (RFCs 6890, 3927)" elseif h[1] == 172 and bit32.band(h[2], 0xf0) == 16 then scope = ", Private-Use Network (RFCs 6890, 1918)" end elseif not bit32.btest(h[1], 0x20) then class = "C" if (h[1] == 192 and h[2] == 0 and h[3] == 0 and bit32.band(h[4], 0xf8) == 0) and (bom >= 29) then scope = ", DS-Lite (RFCs 6890, 6333)" elseif (h[1] == 192 and h[2] == 0 and h[3] == 0) and (bom >= 24) then scope = ", IETF Protocol Assignments (RFC 6890)" elseif (h[1] == 192 and h[2] == 0 and h[3] == 2) and (bom >= 24) then scope = ", Documentation - TEST-NET-1 (RFCs 6890, 5737)" elseif (h[1] == 192 and h[2] == 88 and h[3] == 99) and (bom >= 24) then scope = ", Reserved, formerly used for 6to4 Relay Anycast (RFCs 6890, 3068)" elseif (h[1] == 192 and h[2] == 168) and (bom >= 16) then scope = ", Private-Use Network (RFCs 6890, 1918)" elseif (h[1] == 198 and h[2] == 18) and (bom >= 15) then scope = ", Benchmarking (RFCs 6890, 2544)" elseif (h[1] == 192 and h[2] == 51 and h[3] == 100) and (bom >= 24) then scope = ", Documentation - TEST-NET-2 (RFCs 6890, 5737)" elseif (h[1] == 203 and h[2] == 0 and h[3] == 113) and (bom >= 24) then scope = ", Documentation - TEST-NET-3 (RFCs 6890, 5737)" end elseif not bit32.btest(h[1], 0x10) then class = "D, Multicast" elseif host == 0xffffffff and bom == 32 then class = "N/A, Limited broadcast (RFCs 6890, 0919)" else class = "E, Reserved (RFCs 6890, 1112)" end return class, scope end -- compute_class_and_scope() --------------------------------------------------------------------- local function compute_bits_of_mask(t) local bits_of_mask = 0 for i = 1, 4, 1 do bits_of_mask = bits_of_mask + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x80) and 1 or 0) + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x40) and 1 or 0) + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x20) and 1 or 0) + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x10) and 1 or 0) + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x08) and 1 or 0) + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x04) and 1 or 0) + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x02) and 1 or 0) + (bit32.btest(t[i], 0x01) and 1 or 0) end return bits_of_mask end -- compute_bits_of_mask() --------------------------------------------------------------------- local function compute_subnet_bits(class, bits_of_mask) local subnet_bits if class == "A" then if bits_of_mask >= 8 then subnet_bits = bits_of_mask - 8 else subnet_bits = 0 -- "Supernet" end elseif class == "B" then if bits_of_mask >= 16 then subnet_bits = bits_of_mask - 16 else subnet_bits = 0 -- "Supernet" end elseif class == "C" then if bits_of_mask >= 24 then subnet_bits = bits_of_mask - 24 else subnet_bits = 0 -- "Supernet" end else -- Class D or E subnet_bits = 0 -- "N/A" end return subnet_bits end -- compute_subnet_bits() --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Compute stuff local net = {} net[1] = bit32.band(data.mask[1], data.host[1]) net[2] = bit32.band(data.mask[2], data.host[2]) net[3] = bit32.band(data.mask[3], data.host[3]) net[4] = bit32.band(data.mask[4], data.host[4]) local bcast = {} bcast[1] = bit32.bor(data.host[1], bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[1]), 0xff)) bcast[2] = bit32.bor(data.host[2], bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[2]), 0xff)) bcast[3] = bit32.bor(data.host[3], bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[3]), 0xff)) bcast[4] = bit32.bor(data.host[4], bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[4]), 0xff)) local wildcard = {} wildcard[1] = bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[1]), 0xff) wildcard[2] = bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[2]), 0xff) wildcard[3] = bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[3]), 0xff) wildcard[4] = bit32.band(bit32.bnot(data.mask[4]), 0xff) local host_min = {net[1], net[2], net[3], net[4] + 1} local host_max = {bcast[1], bcast[2], bcast[3], bcast[4] - 1} local bits_of_mask = compute_bits_of_mask(data.mask) local class, scope = compute_class_and_scope(data.host, bits_of_mask) local subnet_bits = compute_subnet_bits(class, bits_of_mask) local usable_subnets = 2^subnet_bits local usable_hosts = bits_of_mask < 31 and 2^(32 - bits_of_mask) - 2 or 33 - bits_of_mask -- Display stuff win:set(" Dotted Quad Binary Decimal Hexadecimal\n") win:append(" --------------- ------------------------------------ ---------- -----------\n") win:append(format_octets("Host Address: ", data.host, bits_of_mask)) win:append(format_octets("Subnet Mask: ", data.mask, bits_of_mask)) win:append(format_octets("Wildcard: ", wildcard, bits_of_mask)) if bits_of_mask ~= 32 then win:append(format_octets("IP Network: ", net, bits_of_mask)) win:append(format_octets("Min Host Address: ", host_min, bits_of_mask)) win:append(format_octets("Max Host Address: ", host_max, bits_of_mask)) win:append(format_octets("Broadcast Address: ", bcast, bits_of_mask)) end win:append("Address Bitmap: " .. format_address_bitmap(bits_of_mask, subnet_bits, class)) win:append("\nSubnet Information:\n") win:append("Address Class: " .. class .. scope .. "\n") win:append("Bits of Mask: " .. bits_of_mask .. "\n") win:append("Subnet Bits: " .. subnet_bits .. "\n") win:append("Usable Subnets: " .. usable_subnets .. "\n") win:append("Usable Hosts/Subnet: " .. usable_hosts .. "\n") end -- display_results() --display_results(win) win:set(usage(nil)) --[ BUTTONS ]vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv --[ Copy To Clipboard ] win:add_button("Copy To Clipboard", function() copy_to_clipboard(win:get_text()) end) --[ Host Address/NetMask ] win:add_button("Address/Netmask", function() local function get_host_netmask(inputstr) if not inputstr or #inputstr == 0 then win:set(usage(nil)) return end -- Handle the IP address first local ip = string.match(inputstr, "(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)") if not ip then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end local ipOctets = {ip:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)")} if #ipOctets ~= 4 then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end for _, octet in ipairs(ipOctets) do if tonumber(octet) < 0 or tonumber(octet) > 255 then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end end -- Handle the optional netmask next local netmaskOctets = {} local netmask = string.match(inputstr, ip .. "/(%d+%.%d+%.%d+%.%d+)") if netmask then -- Validate and parse the netmask netmaskOctets = {netmask:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)")} if #netmaskOctets ~= 4 then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end local netmaskValue = 0 for _, octet in ipairs(netmaskOctets) do if tonumber(octet) < 0 or tonumber(octet) > 255 then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end netmaskValue = netmaskValue * 256 + tonumber(octet) end if not is_valid_netmaskvalue(netmaskValue) then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end else netmask = string.match(inputstr, ip .. "/(%d+)") if netmask then local netmaskBit = tonumber(netmask) if not netmaskBit then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end if netmaskBit < 0 or netmaskBit > 32 then win:set(usage(inputstr)) return end local netmaskValue = bit32.lshift(0xffffffff, 32 - netmaskBit) for i = 4, 1, -1 do netmaskOctets[i] = bit32.band(netmaskValue, 0xff) netmaskValue = bit32.rshift(netmaskValue, 8) end netmask = table.concat(netmaskOctets, ".") else -- Calculate default netmask based on IP class local firstOctet = tonumber(ipOctets[1]) if firstOctet >= 0 and firstOctet <= 127 then netmask = "" elseif firstOctet >= 128 and firstOctet <= 191 then netmask = "" elseif firstOctet >= 192 and firstOctet <= 223 then netmask = "" else netmask = "" end netmaskOctets = {netmask:match("(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)")} end end -- Both IP and netmask are valid, so save them. for i = 1, 4, 1 do data.host[i] = tonumber(ipOctets[i]) data.mask[i] = tonumber(netmaskOctets[i]) end display_results(win) end -- get_host_netmask() new_dialog("Address/Netmask", get_host_netmask, "Enter Address[[/]]Netmask]:") end) --[ BUTTONS ]^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end -- subnetcalc_window() register_menu("Subnet Calculator", subnetcalc_window, MENU_TOOLS_UNSORTED)