Opcode 0x03
This SMB2 command is used to map a share. The Header TID value is specified as 0 in the request and will be filled in by the server in the response if the mapping of the share was successful.
SMB2/TreeConnect Request
SMB2/TreeConnect Request Packet Format
| Buffer Code | | |
| Share Name Offset | Share Name Length |
| Share Name
Buffer Code
SMB2/BufferCode 0x09 = 0x08 | 0x01
Length is the number of bytes for the Share Name.
Share Name
Share Name in unicode UTF-16 and not zero terminated. The Share Name is of the format :
The Share Name is not null terminated.
SMB2/TreeConnect Response
SMB2/TreeConnect Response Packet Format
| Buffer Code | Share Type | Reserved |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| Access Mask |
Buffer Code
SMB2/BufferCode 0x10
Share Type
0x01 Physical disk share
0x02 Named pipe share
0x03 Printer share
Access Mask
SMB2/AccessMask The access mask of the share. When opening the IPC$ share the accessmask is 0xffffffff.
NT Status Codes
* 0x00000000 STATUS_SUCCESS The share was successfully mapped.
Imported from on 2020-08-11 23:25:41 UTC