

Opcode 0x05

This SMB2 command is used to open/create and object for access.

SMB2/Create Request

SMB2/Create Request Packet Format

|          Buffer Code          |         Create Flags          |
|                      Impersonation Level                     |
|               |               |               |               |
|               |               |               |               |
|               |               |               |               |
|               |               |               |               |
|                          Access Mask                          |
|                        File Attributes                        |
|                          Share Access                         |
|                           Disposition                         |
|                         Create Options                        |
|         File Name offset      |        File Name Length       |
|                        ExtraInfo Offset                       |
|                        ExtraInfo Length                       | 
| File Name Buffer...
| ExtraInfo Buffer(aligned to an 8 byte boundary)...

Buffer Code

SMB2/BufferCode 0x39 = 0x38 | 0x01

Create Flags

SMB2/CreateFlags These flags are used to specify whether an oplock is requested and if so what kind of oplocks are desired.

SMB2_CREATE_FLAG_GRANT_OPLOCK             0x0001

Impersonation Level


Access Mask

The requested SMB2/AccessMask

File Attributes

Share Access


Create Options

File Name Offset

This value will specify the offset into the SMB2 packet buffer where the File Name Buffer starts.

File Name Length

This is the number of bytes for the filename stored in the File Name Buffer.

ExtraInfo Offset

The Create command can be chained with some extra info. If there is an extra blob present this value will specify the offset into the SMB2 packet buffer where the SMB2/Create/ExtraInfo Buffer starts. If there is no more blobs, this value is zero.

ExtraInfo Buffer Length

Length of the SMB2/Create/ExtraInfo Buffer, if present.

File Name Buffer

This is a buffer holding the file name in UTF-16 non-zero-terminated.


See SMB2/Create/ExtraInfo

SMB2/Create Response

SMB2/Create Response Packet Format

If the create was successful:
|         Buffer Code           |          Create Flags         |
|                        Create Action                          |
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                    Create                     +-+-+-+-+
|                           Timestamp                           |
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                  Last Access                  +-+-+-+-+
|                           Timestamp                           |
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                  Last Write                   +-+-+-+-+
|                           Timestamp                           |
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                  Last Access                  +-+-+-+-+
|                           Timestamp                           |
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                Allocation Size                +-+-+-+-+
|                                                               |
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                  End Of File                  +-+-+-+-+
|                                                               |
|                         File Attributes                       |
|               |               |               |               |
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                                               +-+-+-+-+
|                              FID                              |
+-+-+-+-+                                               +-+-+-+-+
|                                                               |
+-+-+-+-+                                               +-+-+-+-+
|                                                               |
|                        ExtraInfo Offset                       |
|                        ExtraInfo Length                       |
| ExtraInfo Buffer...

If there was an error:
|         Buffer Code           |                               |
|               |               |               |               |

Buffer Code

SMB2/BufferCode 0x59 = 0x58 | 0x01

Create Flags

SMB2/CreateFlags This field specifies if an oplock was granted and if so what kind. All the bits that were set in the request will remain set in the reply.


SMB2/FID This is the 16 byte file identifier for the object created/opened.

ExtraInfo Offset

The Create command can be chained with some extra info. If there is an extra blob present this value will specify the offset into the SMB2 packet buffer where the SMB2/Create/ExtraInfo Buffer starts. If there is no more blobs, this value is zero.

ExtraInfo Length

Length of the SMB2/Create/ExtraInfo Buffer, if present.


See SMB2/Create/ExtraInfo

NT Status Codes


There is no SMB2/Create/ExtraInfo Buffer, when pipes are opened.

Imported from on 2020-08-11 23:24:55 UTC