Connection Less Network Protocol (CLNP)

For an overview, see the IsoProtocolFamily page.

You will often see this to be an "Inactive subset" as this layer was often simply not implemented in the ISO protocol stacks.


CLNP is a layer-3 connectionless protocol defined by OSI and specified in ITU-T X.233 and ISO/IEC 8473-1. It never enjoyed wide acceptance, IP instead becoming the layer-3 protocol of choice in the networking community. It was however defined as the layer-3 protocol in the SDH/SONET management protocol stack and this is practically the only application where it is still in use.

Protocol dependencies

Example traffic

XXX - Add example traffic here (as plain text or Wireshark screenshot).


The CLNP dissector is (fully functional, partially functional, not existing, ... whatever the current state is) - XXX - please add info, I don't know.

Preference Settings

(XXX add links to preference settings affecting how CLNP is dissected).

Example capture file

XXX - Add a simple example capture file to the SampleCaptures page and link from here. Keep it short, it's also a good idea to gzip it to make it even smaller, as Wireshark can open gzipped files automatically.

Display Filter

A complete list of CLNP display filter fields can be found in the display filter reference

Show only the CLNP based traffic:


Capture Filter

Capture CLNP based traffic only:


This might not work with older versions of libpcap/WinPcap.

External links


Imported from on 2020-08-11 23:12:17 UTC