Adding Support for a New Block Type


I have a project to add support for two new block types to Wireshark. This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere and so I'm hoping that my notes here may help someone in the future.


This is work in progress and so the notes here are not complete. I'm developing this alongside a dissector that adds support to Wireshark for text-base log data - see TRB Protocol. Also, I'm using this as a notepad and I may make mistakes which I'll correct later. If you notice mistakes, please feel free to update this page.

Pcapng Block Basics

A pcapng file contains blocks of data. Each block contains:

Block Types are grouped as follows:

I have requested two Standard Block Types for my project - see Appendix C below. A recent code change (25583) prevents us from using anything other than Local Use Block during development.

Within the groups of Block Types, there is a further sub-grouping:

Encoding Note

Some values used within Wireshark are generated by an enumerated list. If you generate these values with another programme, you may want to avoid using the same enumerated values. The reason is that if the list changes, say between Wireshark releases, the enumerated values may change. Your external programme will then have to keep track of these changes and accomodate multiple Wireshark releases. A good example is the header field (hf) type value.

I dealt with this problem like this:

The Wireshark field types values can be found in epan/ftypes/ftype.h.
See Appendix A of the TRB Protocol definition for the non-enumerated values used by TRB.

Internal Block

This type of block carries information but doesn't generate an entry in the packet list; similar to the Interface Descriptor Block (IDB). This is the simplest kind of block to handle. There are two steps:

It looks something like this:


// (FILE_T, guint32, gboolean, wtapng_block_t *, int *, gchar **);
gboolean tdb_read_block(FILE_T fh, guint32 block_data_len, gboolean c, wtapng_block_t *wtapng_block,
    int *err, gchar **err_info)
    /* Use i as a general purpose index */
    size_t i;

    /* Signal that this isn't a "packet" block */
    wtapng_block->internal = TRUE;

    * Is the size of this block reasonable for a TDB?
    if (block_data_len == 0 || block_data_len > wtapng_block->frame_buffer->allocated) {
        /* Not looking good. */
        *err = WTAP_ERR_BAD_FILE;
        *err_info = wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_file_scope(), "tdb_read_block: block data length of %u is invalid",
        return FALSE;

    /* read block content */
    if (!wtap_read_bytes(fh, wtapng_block->frame_buffer->data, block_data_len, err, err_info)) {
        wmem_strdup_printf(wmem_file_scope(), "tdb_read_block: failed to read TDB");
        return FALSE;
    Do more stuff

    return TRUE;

    Do stuff
    register_pcapng_block_type_handler(BLOCK_TYPE_TDB, tsdb_read_block, NULL);

Record Block

NB: Some of the following content is now obsolete after the merging of change 25696 into master. I'll update when I get a moment.


Within the Wireshark code, any block that generates an entry in the packet list is referred to as a record block although historically they have also been called packet block and some code comments still use this term.


A record block encapsulates payload in a "frame" format. The encapsulation is specified at three levels:

There are 16 available user values (WTAP_ENCAP_USER0 to WTAP_ENCAP_USER15) and I use WTAP_ENCAP_USER11 for the TRBs.

Timestamp Precision

The timestamp precision can be specified at three levels:

wtapng_block structure and substructures

In the tsdb_read_block(...) function above, I don't populate any of the fields in the wtapng_block structure. That's OK for an internal block but we need Wireshark to create a dissection chain (?) for the TRBs, i.e. a block that we wish to dissect.

What we need is for the content of the block to be treated as a new protocol, in the same way as the content of an EPB is becomes a Frame.

The wtapng_block structure and substructure fields I believe have to be completed by a block read function are:

The relevant code looks like this:

    /* Populate the wtapng_block */
    if (is_byte_swapped) {
        ts_high = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(tr_hdr->timestamp_high);
        ts_low = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(tr_hdr->timestamp_low);
        wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(block_data_len);
        wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.len = GUINT32_SWAP_LE_BE(block_data_len);
    else {
        ts_high = tr_hdr->timestamp_high;
        ts_low = tr_hdr->timestamp_low;
        wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen = block_data_len;
        wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.len = block_data_len;

    /* Combine the two 32-bit pieces of the timestamp into one 64-bit value */
    ts = (((guint64)ts_high) << 32) | ((guint64)ts_low);
    wtapng_block->rec->ts.secs = (time_t)(ts / iface_info.time_units_per_second);
    wtapng_block->rec->ts.nsecs = (int)(((ts % iface_info.time_units_per_second) * 1000000000) / iface_info.time_units_per_second);

    wtapng_block->internal = FALSE;
    wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.interface_id = 0;
    wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.drop_count = -1; /* invalid */
    wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.caplen = block_data_len;
    wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.len = block_data_len;
    wtapng_block->rec->rec_header.packet_header.pkt_encap = WTAP_ENCAP_USER11;
    wtapng_block->rec->presence_flags |= WTAP_HAS_TS;
    wtapng_block->rec->presence_flags |= WTAP_HAS_INTERFACE_ID;
    wtapng_block->rec->presence_flags |= WTAP_HAS_CAP_LEN;
    wtapng_block->rec->rec_type = REC_TYPE_PACKET;
    wtapng_block->rec->tsprec = 6;

Related information

Appendix A - XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
        <header headerline="false" skipheaderlines="0">
                <description>Descriptor file for Apache access log in common format</description>
                <generator>Babel 3.0</generator>
                <owner>Paul Offord</owner>
                <nativeformat>LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common</nativeformat>
                <example> - user01 [09/Jul/2012:08:25:35 +0100] "GET /Setup.php HTTP/1.1" 200 1824</example>
                <record type="1">
                        <eols enforce="true">
                                <criterium type="string" offset="*">*</criterium>
                                        <informat quoted="false">%i</informat>
                                        <blurb>This is the IP address of the client (remote host) which made the request to the server.</blurb>
                                        <type quoted="false">FT_IPvx</type>
                                        <informat quoted="false">%s</informat>
                                        <blurb>The identity of the client determined by a request to the identd server on the clients machine.</blurb>
                                        <type quoted="false">FT_STRINGZ</type>
                                        <informat quoted="false">%s</informat>
                                        <blurb>This is the userid of the person requesting the document as determined by HTTP authentication.</blurb>
                                        <type quoted="false">FT_STRINGZ</type>
                                        <informat quoted="false" start-bracket="[" end-bracket="]">[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]</informat>
                                        <blurb>The time that the request was received.</blurb>
                                        <informat quoted="true">%s</informat>
                                        <blurb>The request line from the client is given in double quotes.</blurb>
                                        <informat quoted="false">%d</informat>
                                        <name>response code</name>
                                        <blurb>This is the status code that the server sends back to the client.</blurb>
                                        <informat quoted="false">%d</informat>
                                        <name>bytes returned</name>
                                        <blurb>This indicates the size of the object returned to the client, not including the response headers.</blurb>
                        <infofield>%4 - %5</infofield>

Appendix B - Sample Code

Coming soon.

Appendix C - Sample pcapng File

This sample is a converted Apache HTTPD access log.

Coming soon.

Imported from on 2020-08-11 23:11:03 UTC