Amateur Radio X.25 (AX.25)
I can not really do better than the introduction on the AX.25 article on Wikipedia
Again I can not really do better than the introduction on the AX.25 article on Wikipedia
First included in version 1.10.0
Protocol dependencies
I think the answer here is none as AX.25 can be found encapsulated in IP, UDP, TCP, KISS, 6PACK as well as in the more usual HDLC when "on air".
Example traffic
XXX - Add example decoded traffic for this protocol here (as plain text or Wireshark screenshot).
The AX.25 dissector is fully functional. However not all of the protocols for which there are PID's (Packet Identifiers) defined have dissectors.
PID's are defined for:
!ARP - implemented (WS 1.10.0)
AppleTalk - not currently implemented
AppleTalk ARP - not currently implemented
!Flexnet - implemented (WS 1.10.0)
!IP - calls IP dissector (WS 1.10.0)
!L3 esc - not currently implemented
!Link Quality protocol - not currently implemented
NetRom - implemented (WS 1.10.0)
!No L3 - implemented (WS 1.10.0)
!RFC1144 (compressed) - not currently implemented
!RFC1144 (uncompressed) - not currently implemented
!Rose - calls X.25 dissector (WS 1.10.0)
!Segment - not currently implemented
!Texnet - not currently implemented
Protocols marked as "not currently implemented" will be shown as a hex dump
Preference Settings
For the "No L3" PID there are DX cluster and APRS dissectors selectable in the Preferences menu.
Example capture file
XXX - * SampleCaptures/ax25.pcap
Display Filter
A complete list of AX.25 display filter fields can be found in the display filter reference
Show only the AX.25 based traffic:
Capture Filter
Currently none.
External links
Imported from on 2020-08-11 23:11:27 UTC